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Conditions for the accident insurance included in our service


  • The medical expenses for the accident insurance of light entrepreneurs are paid without an upper limit.

  • Daily allowance for the period of incapacity for work, deductible period 0 days

  • Daily allowance is paid for a maximum of 360 days

  • The work is done in Finland and there is a Finnish Kela card

  • Permanent disability, one-time compensation up to 100,000 eur (various disability benefits/compensations)

  • Compensation for accidental death 25,000 eur

  • Occupational diseases are not covered by the insurance

  • Business trips are not covered by the insurance


Insurance issuer for Palkkaguru Oy

LähiTapiola Mutual Insurance Company, Company ID: 0211034-2, registered office in Espoo. The general terms and conditions of the insurance contract, as well as the insurance certificate, can be requested from Palkkaguru Oy. Insurance number: 353-4927382-J, accident insurance (group insurance).


The insurance fee is included in Palkkaguru Oy's fee, which will not be a separate additional charge.


The insurance is valid from 03.10.2022 for freelancers of Palkkaguru Oy. The content of the insurance is determined on the basis of the insurance in question and the accident insurance conditions for small entrepreneurs valid on 03.10.2022.

If nothing else follows from the above-mentioned condition or this contract, the General Contract Terms and Conditions for Personal Insurance Contracts for Companies and Entities, which are valid from January 1, 2019, also apply to the insurance.

The parties (LähiTapiola and Palkkaguru) can make mutually agreed changes to the insurance conditions. LähiTapiola also has the right to make minor changes to the terms that do not affect the main content of the terms.

If a later-dated version of the above-mentioned insurance conditions is given than the one mentioned in this contract, this later-dated version will be followed as the insurance conditions.


The insurance is secondary in relation to the insured's own valid insurance policies.


Compensation procedure


The insured submits a claim report to LähiTapiola. Damage can be reported in writing or by phone by calling LähiTapiola's damage handling phone number. LähiTapiola can also offer the possibility to file a claim electronically via the internet.


​You can contact our compensation service by e-mail at or by phone at 09-453 3222 (Mon-Fri 8am-4pm) if you need compensation advice or more detailed information about the contents of the insurance.


Damage reports


If an accident occurs and the premium has been billed through Palkkaguru Oy, the claim must be reported as quickly as possible to LähiTapiola, which is the issuer of the insurance. Insurance number: 353-4927382-J.


- by phone: 09-453 9600 (accident compensation)

- by email:

- electronically at


Pension insurance


The accident insurance included in Palkaguru's service does not include pension insurance. The freelancer must take out pension insurance himself and take care of his own pension security. Palkkaguru Oy will help you take out insurance if requested.


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